Sunday, January 27, 2008

An inroduction...

Hello -

Just a short intro here and that's all for today.This blog will be mainly about how RPG's have been a part of my life and what I think is cool about them right now....maybe a review now and then and lots of Podcasts will be mentioned since that is where my involvement has been focused in the last few months; mainly listening but who knows I may start one if I find something to talk about....

The Hobby has been a part of my life since the late 70's when I first talked my mom into getting me the basic D&D set. It was mainly because of the Hobbit animated TV thing and my absent fathers interest in SF that I blame for my interest but hew I really do love the hobby so blame is the wrong word.

I have had tons and played lots of different games over the years - seen many of the systems that have been around and have toyed with making characters for them if nothing else. I played most of the early TSR games (D&D of all stripes, Gamaworld, Espionage, Ganngbusters, Star Frontiers pretty much all but Boothill), the first three iterations of Champions, Stormbringer, Call of Cthulhu (my favorite possibly), Runequest, most of the Microgames (small boardgames like Ogre, GEV, Melee, Wizard, CarWars...the pre Steve Jackson Games (C) Steve Jackson Games), Pulp Hero (only once to my shame), Star Rovers (lots of this over the phone), Mekton, Cyberpunk and several home brewed games of various anime influence. I had and adored Deadlands but never got anyone into playing it sadly. I got all the initial World of Darkness games and played not a one but really wanted to have the story game feel that they espoused. And then nothing for a little longer the a decade other then miniature games....

more later

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